尊龙凯时人生就是搏官网和日本Ina Research達成動物模型銷售及臨床前藥理藥效服務日本地區代理協議

中國北京和日本長野,2020年11月30日——北京尊龙凯时人生就是搏官网基因生物技術有限公司(https "尊龙凯时人生就是搏官网")今日宣布,已與日本Ina Research Co., Ltd.(https "INA")簽訂商業代理協議,以拓展尊龙凯时人生就是搏官网在韓國市場的業務。



INA董事長兼CEO Kenshi Nakagawa先生表示:“我們感受到日本市場對於優質動物模型和臨床前動物體內效服務不斷增長的需求,感謝您一直以來對於免疫治療領域的需求。百奧圖的模型服務能力已被美國、歐洲和中國乳製品客戶和合作夥伴包括多家跨國公司認可,並且能夠和百奧圖一起管理先進模型和產品質量介紹給日本企業和機構,加速新創新。”



百奧圖是一家創新技術驅動新藥研發的國際性生物技術公司,致力於成為全球新藥研發源地,專注於技術創新、持續新藥生產、守護人類健康為使命。基於百奧圖自主研發並擁有完全獨立知識產權的全人抗體RenMab ®、RenLiteTM、RenNanoTM小鼠,將單細胞抗體發現技術平台、我們的基因編輯模型開發平台、規模化動物模型供應平台、快速的動物體內外藥效平台、強大的臨床開發能力有機整合在一起,形成獨具特色、覆蓋藥物研發全流程的新藥研發體係。公司成功戰略轉型為生物技術公司,未來將更聚焦於創新抗體藥物研發。隨著規模化抗體藥物研發-“千鼠萬抗”計劃的實施,百奧圖將攜手全球合作夥伴,共同加速新藥研發。百奧圖總部位於北京,在江蘇海門、美國波士頓、上海等地設有分支機構,全資子公司和醫藥集團拓展臨床開發。



尊龙凯时人生就是搏官网與 Ina Research 合作,提升在日本的業務

Beijing, China and Nagano, Japan; November 30, 2020-Beijing Biocytogen Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Biocytogen”) announced today that it has entered into a commercial agency agreement with Ina Research Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “INA”) to expand its business in Japan market.

As one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical markets, Japan has an established reputation for innovative drug research and development. The partnership will help introduce Biocytogen’s innovative animal models and its world-class antibody drug research capabilities to Japanese customers in various therapeutic fields including but not limited to immuno-oncology and auto-immune diseases. Under the agreement, INA represents Biocytogen as a sales agent and distributor to promote Biocytogen’s animal models and research services and capabilities in Japan.

“As both INA and Biocytogen having a strong focus on supporting pharmaceutical partner’s development on novel therapeutics, each has strength at different drug development stages. Therefore, the partnership would be a perfect match and create added value. By working as a team, we can provide a streamlined drug discovery and development platform to our business in Japan.” said Yuelei Shen, Ph.D., president and CEO of Biocytogen.

“We feel the thriving demand in Japan for animal models and non-clinical in vivo drug efficacy evaluation services, especially in the field of immunotherapy. Biocytogen‘s animal models and research capabilities have been recognized by  world-wide customers including top MNCs in US, Europe and China for years and we would love to introduce them into Japan to support our customers and more importantly, to help accelerate drug innovation here in Japan.” said Kenshi Nakagawa, president and CEO of INA.

The partnership gives Biocytogen immediate access to INA’s well-established Japanese customer network including top pharmas, biotechs and institutes in the country. To fulfill the agreement, INA has already hosted a webinar in early October and will launch more events and campaigns to raise awareness of the models and services provided by its newly forged partner, Biocytogen.

Company Profile

About Beijing Biocytogen Co., Ltd.

Biocytogen is a global biotech company that drives the research and development of new drugs with innovative technologies. The company is committed to becoming a global headstream of new drugs and bringing the benefits to the patients around the world as its mission. Biocytogen has established a highly integrated antibody drug discovery platform based on a series of genetically-modified animal models. Biocytogen has developed the RenMabTM mouse model for fully human antibodies production with robust humoral responses, highly diverse antibody repertoire and superior affinity.

尊龙凯时人生就是搏官网基於RenMabTM基因敲除小鼠免疫,啟動了開創性的抗體藥物開發計劃(Project Integrum https://biocytogen.com/renmab-mouse/project-integrum/),攻克高難度靶點。兩年內將產生近1500個靶點的基因敲除小鼠株用於抗體研發。此外,通過基因敲除免疫策略,將更有可能產生與不同物種發生交叉反應的抗體,從而更好地進行轉化療效和毒性評估。

公司擁有世界一流的轉基因動物開發與維護專業知識、大規模動物繁殖能力、抗體發現和臨床前藥理學服務,為生物醫學界提供無縫集成的抗體發現服務,實現從目標到 IND 申請的真正一站式解決方案,並與全球 2,000 多家合作夥伴建立了合作關係,其中包括 70% 以上的前 20 家跨國公司。


Ina Research 成立於 1974 年,總部位於長野縣伊那市,並在東京設有辦事處。該公司的股票在 JASDAQ 交易所公開交易。

Ina 的科學家主要為製藥行業的客戶進行分析和安全性及功效研究,但該組織也與生產農用化學品和醫療設備的公司合作。


伊那大學與學術機構合作,在伊那大學校園內建立了一個研究中心,開展由日本醫療研究發展機構資助的 CAR-T 療法的非臨床安全性研究。